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Gigantic Narrative


I was contracted by Motiga to draft hero VO and other miscellaneous writing tasks. The vast majority of that work is available at the link below, shared with permission from Motiga.
I worked with Snail Games to create compelling characters and text-based quests for the browser-based pet site, Dappervolk. I also pitched and brainstormed lore, including general world-building and plot.
Examples coming Soon (TM)!
Twine Projects
Twine is one of my favorite tools for prototyping branching, prose-driven experiences. Below are a few projects I've created in the editor.
  • MEMORY.EXE (2017) - Written for the Telltale Creative Workshop.
  • The Tower (2019) - Part of the backstory for a TTRPG character, delivered as a short interactive experience.
Miscellaneous Samples
  • Jack and Lilith (2014) | Script format | 388 words
    An exercise writing in-character, using Handsome Jack and Lilith from Borderlands 2.


  • Scouting Party (2014) | Script format | 492 words
    A short scene from a steampunk/high fantasy setting.


  • Special (2016) | Short story | 1,765 words
    A lone scavenger encounters another survivor in the early days following a catastrophic event.
    Written in my post-apocalyptic magical realism setting, working title 'witch tree'.


  • Saturate (2016) | Short story | 7,541 words
    A prescient man of a family of misfits tries to use his power to bring about a better future.
    Written in a setting created for a school project, wherein the world is slowly being drained of color. The main story was intended as a superhero-esque graphic novel; this is a prequel spinoff. It was tentatively accepted for publication in an anthology by Visual Adjectives, but the project ended up falling through.


  • The Burden is Mine (2017) | Short story | 2,041 words
    Sometimes you know something is a terrible idea, but you still can't stop yourself.
    Written in a folklore-seasoned magical realism setting (i.e. SupernaturalGrimmConstantine, etc.)


  • a list of things that burn. (2019) | Unfinished short story | 919 words
    An unfinished piece of backstory for a previous TTRPG character, Cassian (also featured in 'The Tower' in the Twine section above). Cassian was part of a group playing through WotC's 'Dragon Heist' adventure.

  • bloodied blade (2022) | Short story | 4,918 words
    An assassin embarks on the mission she was raised to complete.
    Part of the backstory for a TTRPG villain, Saren, that I guest-starred as in one of my current campaigns, The War of Idols.

GDC Narrative Review Competition [2014]


Each year, the Game Developer's Conference invites students of the gaming industry to analyze the narrative in a game of their choosing. I received the Gold award for an essay I wrote about League of Legends' narrative.
Wardmore Studios [project MOBA]


As the Narrative Lead for Wardmore Studios, a student team at DigiPen, I was the most prominent driving force behind the game's lore. The following document features a sampling of the work I completed for the project, which includes champion lore and worldbuilding.
School Assignments
Below are links to a few DigiPen assignments I completed during my education.
Steampunk City Design - In a spatial design class, one of the projects I worked on was a concept for a steampunk city built in the sky.
Key Locations - A brief description of two attractions in Fairgust.
Ciellis - City map and design for Ciellis, one of Fairgust's rival city-states.
New London - Brief encounter designs for a dark game centering around an investigator's experiences looking into strange occurrences around the city.
No Way Out - The player returns to their home and is met with a sense of growing unease.
Clockworks Demon - Lead-up to a boss encounter.

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